UEHS Scholarships Results Announced!

On June 11, the scholarship exam of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, which is our exclusive partner, was held. The English language knowledge and logical thinking skills of the participants were evaluated in the exam.

A total of 328 students participated in the exam. 2 participants with high scores won 100% full scholarship. Other participants received scholarships according to their results.

About the exam

The UEHS Scholarship Exam is an internal scholarship exam that will cover the first stage of education for students. The exam is organized in Baku for Azerbaijani students. Apply-UNI Education Abroad, the official admission department of the university, organizes this exam every year, twice a year. The exam is held in January and early June for students who want to continue their studies abroad in both the spring semester and the fall semester.

The exam is carried out by the staff of Apply-UNI Study Abroad as well as the staff of the UEHS university. Before the exam, the participants are given detailed information about the exam. Then the exam continues at the appointed time. Finally, within 3-5 working days, the answers are shared on the social media accounts of Apply-UNI Education Abroad. The participants, familiar with the results, approach the official admission department in Baku with the appropriate documents and take the first steps in the admission process.

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